Here you can see inspiring advertising work and graphic design! Enjoy!

Friday, 20 May 2011

BAVARIA Druppel - by Director Matthijs van Heijningen

You'd think its the basic commercial of natural goodness finding its way into Bavaria beer and fulfilling its destiny... yet it has a twist... it shows the natural goodness of the beer and its funny brand identity through the comical ending. Something as small as the ending change wins over a consumer... hence teaching me that ads should be funny and simple (well where appropriate at least.)

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Mercedes "Sorry" Ad

Probably one of the few car ads that actually has a story to it instead of just the car zooming around a road and showing off its driving. Here the breaks of the Mercedes has a unique selling point of better and faster breaking, where they successfully portray this by having a climax point of the man about to crash and breaking in time. If the ad ended with only this, then the drama of it would probably not be enough to shock the viewer. Hence the grim reaper is added to make the ad funnier and unexpected.

Dairy Milk - A Glass and a Half Full of Joy

"A glass and a half full of joy" was the brief for this ad, hence the ads are simply filled up with joy, giving you the same feeling that a Dairy Milk chocolate would give from its first bite. Throughout both ads the purple colour of the brand is seen, reminding the viewers of the product. This small detail is extremely important as the product isn't really seen until the very end of the commercial, hence some kind of reminder needs to be provided within the video. This campaign is simple, happy and funny and also can extend to a very wide campaign as the brief is simply about joy.

Ogilvy and Mather - Dove Evolution

We've probably all seen this ad by now, but even if it was still aired it probably would never get old simply because there aren't enough of these types of "eye openers" about todays media and our perception. This ad is part of the "Real Beauty" campaign by Dove where they use REAL women with what media today perceive as "flaws" (ex: a little bit of extra weight, a lot of freckles and even something as unavoidable as age.) Dove was the first company of its kind to risk using real woman and showing their products are made for the average female (and males too) rather than the models we see in TV. Their best idea was to simply base their ads on the truth, and use what everyone sees in real life. Finally we can have girls look up to Dove ads and natural beauty rather than the Photoshoped models they get bombarded with every day.

Heineken commercial

The ad leaves it to the very last moment to give its audience a twist in the story, telling us that the taste and quality of Heineken is enough to lure in other life forms. The creative strategy used is obviously exaggeration, a very popular technique to show the qualities of the product. In this case, Heineken doesn't really have a unique selling proposition (no strong taste, no increase in alcohol, etc.) It simply says "we're the best" and the ad serves as proof.

Honda Choir Ad

We've seen the same "wooshing" and "vrooms" of cars for years now, and they all seem to be the same. However when presented in a unique different way, suddenly the car sounds become interesting. Here we can see a choir singing the sounds of the Honda. Technically, they're the same as any other car sounds that we here in many ads, and even the ordinary cars on the streets, however the audience actually gets a feel of different weather, roads and steering. The advert visualizes different scenarios and has us experience the drive of the car and hence, want to buy it.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Diesel - Be stupid

The most genius campaign I've seen in a while. The healdines are witty, thought through and original, showing why Stupid is better than Smart. These characteristics are also personified to be like people competing with each other with visuals of fun, care free, loving and living life people showing why "stupid" is better.

The variety that Diesel has provided is fascinating, having videos on their website and branching off to multiple medias and bringing in more clients because of such a big campaign. Also the different headlines further persuade the viewer that being stupid is better than being smart, as each headline is different and backed up with more and more pictures.

Overall you may think what stupid has to do with Diesel. This is simple as Diesel's identity is to be loud, care free, creative and loving life, which is the way they describe "Stupid." And of course not forgetting the slogan " be stupid" further relates to the campaign.

To see more of the ads click on the link below: