Here you can see inspiring advertising work and graphic design! Enjoy!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Two cool car ads

Mini Cooper Ad
Today we all know what a Mini Cooper looks like, so there's no need to show the car in the ad (unless its a new release or something.) So taking its USP of being small, Mini has shown this in a funny way, having a hitch hiker crouching down to flag over a Mini. Additionally, after a laugh or a smile form the ad, personally I started thinking about how silly it would be for someone to actually do this and wait for a Mini to drive by (rather than getting in the first car that pulls over.) This simply shows the desire of Mini's and the want to be seen in an expensive car.

Porsche Ad
The obvious USP here is the speed of a Porsche. This ad made me look twice as initially I didn't understand it (until I glanced at the logo.) The creative strategy here is exaggeration, having certain things fly faster because of the car and stab different objects along side the road. What I also think is successful about this ad is that just like the Mini it doesn't show the car. It focuses more on being creative and pleasing their clients eye, rather than getting new clients in by showing the flashy cars (although it could be argued that new clients would be lured in by creativity of the ad which would link to the brand identity, rather than the look of the car.) Another difference to many car ads is that the posters are illustrated rather than photographed. It looks extremely realistic, however there is something that shows more of a fantasy realm rather than the real roads. And of course this is intentional as this implies the fantasy realm of clear highways and lovely landscapes you enter with a Porsche. 

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